Rust Stop Primer 300ml
300ml Aerosol red-Brown
Active corrosion protection and adhesive primer with good adhesive properties on a wide variety of surfaces, including in conjuction with PU and MS polymer sealing compounds.
Good adhesive properties
- Adheres to aluminum, bare and galvanized metal sheets, steel, old paint, etc.
Quick drying
- Depending on layer thickness, can already be painted over after 10 - 15 minutes
Thermally stable up to 180?F and briefly up to 284?F
Can be sanded well
VOC conformant
- Solvent-reduced
- Complies with VOC maximum content specified in the VOC Directive (1999/13/EC)
Suggested Uses
- Vehicle construction
- Ship building
- Metal and steel construction
- Tool manufacturing
- Bridge building
- Tank construction
- Pipeline construction
- Container construction
- Agricultural and forestry
- Muicipal management
- Construction machines, etc.
The applications surface must be clean, dry and grease-free. Remove dissolved rust, paint and dirt with a wire brush, scraper, etc. Surface-sand problematical application surfaces. Shake can well before using. Apply the first spray coating thinly. Comply with flash-off time. Drying tim 25 minutes, after approximately 10-15 minutes can be painted over with all common 1-component, 2-component and water-based top-coating paint systems.
Turn can upside down and spray until valve is empty after use.